Here at GracePointe Church we believe that there is a biblical need for fellowship in the body of Christ. A need to encourage and invest in one another, to love one another as Christ has called us to. This is why we strive to give our people every opportunity to connect and plug in on a weekly basis.
"Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."
Hebrews 10:24-25

GracePointe Kids
Here at GracePointe we have a great group of volunteers that dearly love your children and desire to invest in them. All of our volunteers have passed background checks as part of our safety protocol. Their goal is not only to help your children have a great time, but also to keep them safe, while making sure they are being spiritually fed. We believe children need more than just games and snacks to survive this crazy world!
Element 22
Element 22 is a reference to titanium, the 22nd element in the periodic table. The youth chose this as their name as a way to reference the strength of the metal in relation to the strong bonds that are formed between their peers and God in a youth group setting.
Friday Night Youth Group: Friday's @ 6:30pm - 9pm

Young & Hungry
"Young & Hungry" is our college and career/young adult ministry. It is a way for 18 to 25 year olds to connect with God and one another, while temporarily disconnecting from the real world.
The group meets every Thursday, from 6:30pm to 9pm, at Brandon and Kaitlyn Staggs' house.
Address: 260 Price Road.
Byron, GA 31008
Women's Ministry
Here at GracePointe we have a strong women's ministry that has truly blossomed with age and we look forward to seeing how God continues to stretch and grow the women of GracePointe.
Women's Book Study every 1st Sunday of the month @ 6:30pm

Men's Ministry
The men's ministry here at GracePointe is in a season of rebirth, but we are so excited to see God rise it up like a phoenix from the ashes.
Men's Breakfast: Every 2nd Saturday of the month @ 8:30am
Men's Bible Study: Thursdays @ 6:30pm
Interest groups are a great way to find others with similar passions and get connected.
Ultimate Frisbee: Sundays @ 3pm
Dominos: Tuesdays @ 1pm
Homeschool Group: Reach out to Julie Beaslely for more info and to connect with the Facebook page.

Marriage Prep.
If your looking for some premarital counseling before taking the big plunge, we've got you covered. Just reach out to the church office and ask to speak to Pastor Billy Staggs. Remember, you can never be to prepared.